Style Guide

When writing code for RLinearAlgebra.jl we expect the code to be written in accordance with the BLUE style.


This section describes the writing style that should be used when writing documentation for RLinearAlgebra.jl. Many of these ideas for these suggestions come from JUMP. Overall when documenting the code one should follow these recommendations: - Be concise - Prefer lists over long sentences - Use numbers when describing an ordered set of ideas - Use bullets when there is no specific order


- Every new **function** and **data structure** needs to have a docstring
- Use properly punctuated complete sentences

Below, we provide an example of a function docstring and a data structure docstring.

Function Docstring

    myFunction(args; kwargs...)
A couple of sentences describing the function. These sentences should describe what inputs are required 
and what is output by the function.

A citation in MLA format if the function comes from another author's work.

Data Structure Docstring

    YourStructure <: YourStructuresSuperType

A brief sentence describing the purpose of the structure.

A citation in MLA format if the function comes from another author's work.

# Fields
- `S::FieldType`, brief description of field purpose

Include a sentence or two describing how the constructors work. Please be sure to include the default values of the constructor.