Linear Samplers
Abstract Types
— TypeLinSysSampler
Abstract supertype for sampling, sketching or deterministically selecting components of a linear system.
— TypeLinSysVecRowSampler <: LinSysSampler
Abstract supertype for sampling, sketching or deterministically selecting a row space element from a linear system.
— TypeLinSysVecColSampler <: LinSysSampler
Abstract supertype for sampling, sketching or deterministically selecting a column space element from a linear system.
— TypeLinSysBlkRowSampler <: LinSysSampler
Abstract supertype for sampling, sketching or deterministically selecting a collection of row space elements from a linear system.
— TypeLinSysBlkColSampler <: LinSysSampler
Abstract supertype for sampling, sketching or deterministically selecting a collection of column space elements from a linear system.
Vector Row Samplers
— TypeLinSysVecRowDetermCyclic <: LinSysVecRowSelect
An immutable structure without any fields. Specifies deterministic cycling through the equations of a linear system.
— TypeLinSysVecRowHopRandCyclic <: LinSysVecRowSelect
A mutable structure that specifies a cycling through the rows of a linear system, where the cycling order is determined randomly once the current cycling order has been used hop
number of times. The solver randomly chooses the cycling order whenever necessary.
defaults to setting theorder
and thehop
(i.e., each ordering is used five times before sampling a new ordering).LinSysVecRowHopRandCyclic(hop::Int64)
defaults to setting theorder
and thehop
to whatever is specified by the argument.
— TypeLinSysVecRowOneRandCyclic <: LinSysVecRowSelect
A mutable structure with a field to store a cycling order. Randomly specifies a cycling order over the equations of a linear system. Once this ordering is specified, the ordering is kept fixed.
Calling LinSysVecRowOneRandCyclic()
defaults to setting order
to nothing
. The sample
function will handle the re-initialization of the fields once the system is provided.
— TypeLinSysVecRowPropToNormSampler <: LinSysVecRowSampler
A mutable structure that specifies sampling from the rows of the equation where the probability of selecting a given equation is proportional to the sum of squares of the coefficients of the given equation. The solver will appropriately initialize the distribution.
See Strohmer, T., Vershynin, R. A Randomized Kaczmarz Algorithm with Exponential Convergence. J Fourier Anal Appl 15, 262 (2009).
, probability vector representing a distribution over rows.
Calling LinSysVecRowPropToNormSampler()
or LinSysVecRowSVSampler()
defaults dist
to [1.0]
When iter == 1
, the vector dist
will be overwritten to ensure the correct probability weights.
— TypeLinSysVecRowRandCyclic <: LinSysVecRowSelect
A mutable structure with a field to store a cycling order. Randomly specifies a cycling order the equations of a linear system. Once this ordering is exhausted by the solver, a new random ordering is specified. This process is repeated
Calling LinSysVecRowOneRandCyclic()
defaults to setting order
to nothing
. The sample
function will handle the re-initialization of the fields once the system is provided.
— TypeLinSysVecRowUnidSampler <: LinSysVecRowSampler
An immutable structure without fields that specifies randomly cycling from the rows of a linear system with uniform probability and with replacement.
— TypeLinSysVecRowUnifSampler <: LinSysVecRowSampler
An immutable structure without fields that specifies taking a linear combination of all equations with the coefficients being independent uniform random variables.
— TypeLinSysVecRowSparseUnifSampler <: LinSysVecRowSelect
A mutable structure that specifies sampling a proporition of the rows of a linear system, scaling each using independent uniform random variables, and then taking their sum. The proportion of rows sampled without replacement is given by (at most) sparsity
which must be between 0 and 1 (not inclusive).
defaults thesparsity
level to 0.2.
— TypeLinSysVecRowGaussSampler <: LinSysVecRowSampler
An immutable structure without fields that specifies taking a linear combination of all equations with the coefficients being independent Gaussian random variables.
— TypeLinSysVecRowSparseGaussSampler <: LinSysVecRowSelect
A mutable structure that specifies sampling a proporition of the rows of a linear system, scaling each using independent Gaussian random variables, and then taking their sum. The proportion of rows sampled without replacement is given by (at most) sparsity
which must be between 0 and 1 (not inclusive).
defaults thesparsity
level to 0.2.
— TypeLinSysVecRowMaxResidual <: LinSysVecRowSelect
An immutable structure without fields that specifies choosing the linear equation in a system with the largest absolute residual at the current iterate.
— TypeLinSysVecRowResidCyclic <: LinSysVecRowSelect
A mutable structure with a field to store a cycling order. When the ordering is not specified, the ordering is filled by looking at the residuals at the current iterate and ordering by decreasing residual. Once the order is exhausted a new order is selected.
Calling LinSysVecRowResidCyclic()
defaults to setting order
to an empty array. The sample
function will handle the re-initialization of the fields once the system is provided.
— TypeLinSysVecRowMaxDistance <: LinSysVecRowSelect
An immutable structure without fields that specifies choosing the linear equation in a system with the largest distance between the current iterate and the hyperplane specified by the equation.
— TypeLinSysVecRowDistCyclic <: LinSysVecRowSelect
A mutable structure with a field to store a cycling order. When the ordering is not specified, the ordering is filled in two steps. First, the distances between the current iterate and all hyperplanes as specified by the equations of the system. Then, the ordering is the indices of these distances in decreasing order.
Calling LinSysVecRowDistCyclic()
defaults to setting order
to an empty array. The sample
function will handle the re-initialization of the fields once the system is provided.
Vector Column Samplers
— TypeLinSysVecColDetermCyclic <: LinSysVecColSelect
An immutable structure without any fields. Specifies deterministic cycling through the columns of a linear system.
— TypeLinSysVecColOneRandCyclic <: LinSysVecColSelect
A mutable structure with a field to store a cycling order. Randomly specifies a cycling order over the equations of a linear system. Once this ordering is specified, the ordering is kept fixed.
Calling LinSysVecColOneRandCyclic()
defaults to setting order
to nothing
. The sample
function will handle the re-initialization of the fields once the system is provided.
Block Vector Row Samplers
— TypeLinSysBlkRowCountSketch <: LinSysVecRowSelect
A mutable structure that represents the CountSketch algorithm for rows. The assumption is that A
is fully known (that is, the sampling procedure is not used in a streaming context).
See Kenneth L. Clarkson and David P. Woodruff. 2017. "Low-Rank Approximation and Regression in Input Sparsity Time." J. ACM 63, 6, Article 54 (February 2017), 45 pages.
The explicit sketch matrix is mentioned in Section 1.2 - Techniques (row version) of the aforementioned paper. See this website for a visual explanation of the column version.
, is the number of rows in the sketched matrixS * A
.S::Union{Matrix{Int64}, Nothing}
, buffer matrix for storing the sampling matrixS
Additional Constructors:
Calling LinSysBlkRowCountSketch(block_size)
defaults to LinSysBlkRowCountSketch(block_size, nothing)
. Calling LinSysBlkRowCountSketch()
defaults to LinSysBlkRowCountSketch(2, nothing)
!!! Remark "Implementation Note" Current implementation does not take advantage of sparse matrix data structures or operations.
— TypeLinSysBlkRowGaussSampler <: LinSysBlkRowSampler
A mutable structure with fields to handle Guassian row sketching where a Gaussian matrix is multiplied by the matrix A
from the left.
, specifies the size of each block.sketch_matrix::Union{AbstractMatrix, Nothing}
, the buffer for storing the Gaussian sketching matrix.scaling::Float64
, the standard deviation of the sketch, is set to be sqrt(block_size/numberOfRows).
Calling LinSysBlkRowGaussSampler()
defaults to setting block_size
to 2.
— TypeLinSysBlkRowReplace <: LinSysBlkRowSampler
A mutable structure with fields to store information for a sampling method that forms a new block by uniformly sampling rows of A
without replacement, also known as vanilla block randomized Kaczmarz.
Necoara, Ion. “Faster Randomized Block Kaczmarz Algorithms.” SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl. 40 (2019): 1425-1452.
, specifies the size of each block.block::Vector{Int64}
, the list of all the rows in each block.
Calling LinSysBlkRowReplace()
defaults to setting block_size
to 2. The sample
function will handle the re-initialization of the fields once the system is provided.
— TypeLinSysBlkRowRandCyclic <: LinSysBlkRowSampler
A mutable structure with fields to handle randomly permuted block sampling. After all blocks are called, a new random ordering is created.
, Variable that contains the number of blocks overall.order::Union{Vector{Int64}, Nothing}
, The order that the blocks will be used to generate updates.blocks::Union{Vector{Vector{Int64}}, Nothing}
, The list of all the row in each block.
Calling LinSysBlkColRandCyclic()
defaults to setting n_blocks
to 2 and blocks
to be sequentially ordered. These values can be changed using the respective keyword arguments. The sample
function will handle the re-initialization of the fields once the system is provided.
— TypeLinSysBlkRowSelectWoReplacement <: LinSysVecRowSelect
A mutable struct that represents sampling rows from A
without replacement using an arbitrary weight/probability vector.
, number of rows sampled (i.e., number of rows inS * A
).probability::Union{Weights, Vector{Float64}, Nothing}
, vector that represents a probability distribution over the rows ofA
. Requirements are that the probabilities sum to 1, are non-negative,probability
has the same length as number of rows inA
, andprobability
has at least as many positive entries asblock_size
. Ifprobability
is unspecified in the constructor,sample
will default to a uniform distribution over rows ofA
.population::Union{Vector{Int64}, Nothing}
, buffer array to holdcollect(1:size(A)[1])
used insample
.rows_sampled::Union{Vector{Int64}, Nothing}
, buffer array to hold index of rows sampled fromA
.S::Union{Matrix{Int64}, Nothing}
, buffer array to hold sketched matrixS
Calling LinSysBlkRowSelectWoReplacement()
defaults to LinSysBlkRowSelectWoReplacement(2, nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing)
An additional constructor is provided with keyword arguments block_size
and probability
— TypeLinSysBlkRowFJLT <: LinSysBlkRowSampler
A mutable structure with fields to handle FJLT row sketching. At each iteration, this procedure generates a matrix of the form S = G H D where G is sparse matrix with the non-zero entries being drawn from a gaussian distribution, H is a Hadamard matrix, and D is a diagonal matrix with a rademacher vector on the diagonal.
, the size of the sketching dimensionsparsity::Float64
, the sparsity of the sampling matrixpadded_size::Int64
, the size of the matrix when paddedsampling_matrix::Union{SparseMatrixCSC, Nothing}
, storage for sparse sketching matrixhadamard::Union{AbstractMatrix, Nothing}
, storage for the hadamard matrix.Ap::Union{AbstractMatrix, Nothing}
, storage for padded matrixbp::Union{AbstractMatrix, Nothing}
, storage for padded vectorscaling::Float64
, storage for the scaling of the sketches.
Calling LinSysBlkRowFJLT()
defaults to setting sparsity
to .3 and the blocksize to 2.
Ailon, Nir, and Bernard Chazelle. "The fast Johnson–Lindenstrauss transform and approximate nearest neighbors." SIAM Journal on computing 39.1 (2009): 302-322.
— TypeLinSysBlkRowSRHT <: LinSysBlkRowSampler
A mutable structure with fields to handle SRHT row sketching. At each iteration, this procedure generates a matrix of the form S = R H D where R is a subset of the identity matrix, H is a Hadamard matrix, and D is a diagonal matrix with a rademacher vector on the diagonal.
, the size of blocks being chosenpadded_size::Int64
, the size of the matrix when paddedblock::Union{Vector{Int64}, Nothing}
, storage for block indiceshadamard::Union{AbstractMatrix, Nothing}
, storage for the hadamard matrix.Ap::Union{AbstractMatrix, Nothing}
, storage for padded matrixbp::Union{AbstractMatrix, Nothing}
, storage for padded vectorscaling::Float64
, storage for the scaling of the sketches.
Calling LinSysBlkRowSRHT()
defaults to setting block_size
to 2.
Nguyen, Nam H., Thong T. Do, and Trac D. Tran. "A fast and efficient algorithm for low-rank approximation of a matrix." Proceedings of the forty-first annual ACM symposium on Theory of computing. 2009.
— TypeLinSysBlkRowSparseSign <: LinSysBlkRowSampler
A mutable structure with fields to handle sparse sign row sketching where a sparse sign matrix is multiplied by the matrix A
from the left. More details of the methods are mentioned in the section 9.2 of
Martinsson P-G, Tropp JA. "Randomized numerical linear algebra: Foundations and algorithms." Acta Numerica. 2020;29:403-572. doi:10.1017/S0962492920000021.
, represents the embedding dimension of the sketch matrix.numsigns::Int64
, storing how many signs we need to have for each column of the sketch matrix, which can be chosen from{2, 3, ..., block_size}
.sketch_matrix::Union{AbstractMatrix, Nothing}
, buffer for storing the sparse sign sketching matrix.scaling::Float64
, the standard deviation of the sketch, set tosqrt(n / numsigns)
, calculated only in the first iteration.row_indices::Union{Vector{Int64}, Nothing}
, buffer for storing the sparse signs places in each column.
defaults to settingblock_size
tomin(size(A, 1), 8)
tomin(block_size, 8)
Block Vector Col Samplers
— TypeLinSysBlkColCountSketch <: LinSysVecColSelect
A mutable structure that represents the CountSketch algorithm for columns. The assumption is that A
is fully known (that is, the sampling procedure is not used in a streaming context).
See Kenneth L. Clarkson and David P. Woodruff. 2017. "Low-Rank Approximation and Regression in Input Sparsity Time." J. ACM 63, 6, Article 54 (February 2017), 45 pages.
The explicit sketch matrix is mentioned in Section 1.2 - Techniques (row version) of the aforementioned paper. See this website for a visual explanation of the column version.
, is the number of columns in the sketched matrixA * S
S::Union{Matrix{Int64}, Nothing}
, buffer matrix for storing the sampling matrixS
Additional Constructors:
Calling LinSysBlkColCountSketch(block_size)
defaults to LinSysBlkColCountSketch(block_size, nothing)
. Calling LinSysBlkColCountSketch()
defaults to LinSysBlkColCountSketch(2, nothing)
!!! Remark "Implementation Note" Current implementation does not take advantage of sparse matrix data structures or operations.
— TypeLinSysBlkColGaussSampler <: LinSysBlkColSampler
A mutable structure with fields to handle Guassian column sketching where a Gaussian matrix is multiplied by the matrix A
from the right.
, specifies the size of each block.sketch_matrix::Union{AbstractMatrix, Nothing}
, the buffer for storing the Gaussian sketching matrix.scaling::Float64
, the standard deviation of the sketch, is set to be sqrt(block_size/numberOfColumns).
Calling LinSysBlkColGaussSampler()
defaults to setting block_size
to 2.
— TypeLinSysVecBlkColReplace <: LinSysBlkColSampler
A mutable structure with fields to store information for a sampling method that forms a new block by uniformly sampling columns of A
without replacement.
, specifies the size of each block.block::Vector{Int64}
, the list of all the rows in each block.
Calling LinSysBlkColReplace()
defaults to setting block_size
to 2. The sample
function will handle the initialization of the fields once the system is provided.
— TypeLinSysBlkColRandCyclic <: LinSysBlkColSampler
A mutable structure with fields to handle randomly permuted block sampling. After all blocks are called, a new random ordering is created.
, Variable that contains the number of blocks overall.order::Vector{Int64}
, The order that the blocks will be used to generate updates.blocks::Vector{Vector{Int64}}
, The vector containing all the groupings of column indices.
Calling LinSysBlkColRandCyclic()
defaults to setting n_blocks
to 2 and blocks
to be sequentially ordered. These values can be changed using the respective keyword arguments. The sample
function will handle the re-initialization of the fields once the system is provided.
— TypeLinSysBlkColSelectWoReplacement <: LinSysVecColSelect
A mutable struct that represents sampling columns from A
without replacement using an arbitrary weight/probability vector.
, number of columns sampled (i.e., number of columns inA * S
)probability::Union{Weights, Vector{Float64}, Nothing}
, vector that represents a probability distribution over the columns ofA
. Requirements are that the probabilities sum to 1, are non-negative,probability
has the same length as number of columns inA
, andprobability
has at least as many positive entries asblock_size
. Ifprobability
is unspecified in the constructor,sample
will default to a uniform distribution over columns ofA
.population::Union{Vector{Int64}, Nothing}
, buffer array to hold the vectorcollect(1:size(A)[2])
in thesample
function.col_sampled::Union{Vector{Int64}, Nothing}
, buffer array to hold index of columns sampled fromA
.S::Union{Matrix{Int64}, Nothing}
, buffer array to hold sketching matrixS
Calling LinSysBlkColSelectWoReplacement()
defaults to LinSysBlkColSelectWoReplacement(2, nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing)
An additional constructor is provided with the keyword arguments block_size
and probability
— TypeLinSysBlkColFJLT <: LinSysBlkColSampler
A mutable structure with fields to handle FJLT column sketching. At each iteration, this procedure generates a matrix of the form S = D H G where G is sparse matrix with the non-zero entries being drawn from a gaussian distribution, H is a Hadamard matrix, and D is a diagonal matrix with a rademacher vector on the diagonal.
, the size of the sketching dimensionsparsity::Float64
, the sparsity of the sampling matrix, should be between 0 and 1padded_size::Int64
, the size of the matrix when paddedsampling_matrix::Union{SparseMatrixCSC, Nothing}
, storage for sparse sketching matrixhadamard::Union{AbstractMatrix, Nothing}
, storage for the hadamard matrix.Ap::Union{AbstractMatrix, Nothing}
, storage for padded matrixbp::Union{AbstractMatrix, Nothing}
, storage for padded vectorscaling::Float64
, storage for the scaling of the sketches.
Calling LinSysBlkColFJLT()
defaults to setting sparsity
to .3 and the blocksize to 2.
Ailon, Nir, and Bernard Chazelle. "The fast Johnson–Lindenstrauss transform and approximate nearest neighbors." SIAM Journal on computing 39.1 (2009): 302-322.
— TypeLinSysBlkColSRHT <: LinSysBlkColSampler
A mutable structure with fields to handle SRHT column sketching. At each iteration, this procedure generates a matrix of the form S = D H R where R is a subset of the identity matrix, H is a Hadamard matrix, and D is a diagonal matrix with a rademacher vector on the diagonal.
, the size of blocks being chosenpadded_size::Int64
, the size of the matrix when paddedblock::Union{Vector{Int64}, Nothing}
, storage for block indiceshadamard::Union{AbstractMatrix, Nothing}
, storage for the hadamard matrix.Ap::Union{AbstractMatrix, Nothing}
, storage for padded matrixsigns::Union{Vector{Bool}, Nothing}
, storage for random sign flips.scaling::Float64
, storage for the scaling of the sketches.
Calling LinSysBlkColSRHT()
defaults to setting block_size
to 2.
Nguyen, Nam H., Thong T. Do, and Trac D. Tran. "A fast and efficient algorithm for low-rank approximation of a matrix." Proceedings of the forty-first annual ACM symposium on Theory of computing. 2009.
— TypeLinSysBlkColSparseSign <: LinSysBlkColSampler
A mutable structure with fields to handle sparse sign column sketching where a sparse sign matrix is multiplied by the matrix A
from the right. More details of the methods are mentioned in the section 9.2 of
Martinsson P-G, Tropp JA. "Randomized numerical linear algebra: Foundations and algorithms." Acta Numerica. 2020;29:403-572. doi:10.1017/S0962492920000021.
, represents the embedding dimension of the sketch matrix.numsigns::Int64
, buffer for storing how many signs we need to have for each row of the sketch matrix, which can be chosen from{2, 3, ..., block_size}
.sketch_matrix::Union{AbstractMatrix, Nothing}
, buffer for storing the sparse sign sketching matrix.scaling::Float64
, the standard deviation of the sketch, set tosqrt(n / numsigns)
, calculated only in the first iteration.col_indices::Union{Vector{Int64}, Nothing}
, buffer for storing the sparse signs places in each row.
defaults to settingblock_size
tomin(size(A, 2), 8)
tomin(block_size, 8)
Sample Function
— Methodsample(type::T where T<:LinSysSampler,
A common interface for specifying different strategies for sampling, selecting or sketching a linear system specified by A
and b
. The type
argument is used to select the an appropriately defined strategy. The argument x
is the current iterate value for the solution. The arguent iter
is the iteration counter.
The value(s) returned by sample depend on the subtype of LinSysSampler
being used. Specifically,
- For
, a vector in the row space ofA
and constant are returned - For
, a vector oflength(x)
, the matrixA
, and a scalar-valued residual are returned.
Internal Functions
— Functioninit_blocks_cyclic!(type::Union{LinSysBlkColRandCyclic,LinSysBlkRowRandCyclic}, dim::Int64)
This function intializes the blockSize
, n_blocks
, and order
values for the LinSysBlkColRandCyclic
and LinSysBlkRowRandCyclic
data structures. If a set of blocks is already defined by the user then it warns the user which block indices are unused. If the blocks are not premade, it simply allocates block indices sequentially with a size that is floor(n_blocks/dim
— Functionfwht!(x::AbstractVector; signs=ones(Bool, size(x)), scaling = 1)
Performs a Fast Walsh Hadamard Transform (FWHT), modifying the vector x
. This means that if you want an unmodified version of x
you should copy it before calling this function. signs
allows the user to input a boolean vector that flips the signs of the entries of the vector x
before applying the transform. scaling
allows the user to scale the result of the transform. Choosing a scaling of 1/sqrt{size(x)} will result in the FWHT being an orthogonal transform.
!!! Note: To avoid log computation at every call the function does not check that the dimension is a power of 2. This must be done by a separate function at an earlier point.
Matrix Induced Probability Distributions
— Functionfrobenius_norm_distribution(A::AbstractMatrix, row_distribution::Bool)
Given a matrix A
and an indication of whether a distribution over rows or columns should be created in row_distribution
, return a probability vector.
If row_distribution = true
, distribution[i]
will be the probability weight assigned to row i
of A
. It is computed as
\[ ||A_{i,\cdot}||_2^2 / ||A||_F^2 \]
where $A_{i, \cdot}$ is the $i^{th}$ row of A
, $||\cdot||_2$ is the L2 norm, and $||\cdot||_F$ is the Frobenius norm.
If row_distribution = false
, distribution[i]
will be the probability weight assigned to column i
of A
. It is computed by an analogous formula as above, however with the norm squared of the rows of A
replace by the norm squared of the columns of A
, matrix for which a distribution over rows or columns is desired.row_distribution::Bool
, indication whether a distribution over rows or columns is desired.
, vector of probabilities. Will be of lengthsize(A, 1)
ifrow_distribution = true
, otherwise will be of lengthsize(A, 2)
If A
is sparse, the implementation does not account for this.
— Functionleverage_score_distribution(A::AbstractMatrix, row_distribution::Bool)
Given a matrix A
, compute a distribution over rows or columns of the matrix, as indicated by row_distribution
, by using the leverage scores of the matrix.
Drineas, Magdon-Ismail, Mahoney, and Woodruff. "Fast Approximation of Matrix Coherence and Statistical Leverage". arxiv,
If row_distribution = true
, then we compute the thin QR decomposition of A
. Take $Q_1$ to be the thin Q. The probability weight assigned to row $i$ of A
\[ ||Q_1[i, :]||_2^2 / ||Q_1||_F^2,\]
where $Q_1[i, :]$ is the $i^{th}$ row of $Q_1$, $||\cdot||_2$ is the L2 norm, and $||\cdot||_F$ is the frobenius norm.
If row_distribution = false
, then we carry out the same procedure on $A^\intercal$.
, matrix for which a distribution over rows or columns is desired.row_distribution::Bool
, indication whether a distribution over rows or columns is desired.
As we take the QR decomposition of A
, we enforce that size(A)[1] >= size(A)[2]
when row_distribution = true
, and size(A')[1] >= size(A')[2]
when row_distribution = false
, vector of probabilities. Will be of lengthsize(A, 1)
ifrow_distribution = true
, otherwise will be of lengthsize(A, 2)
If A
is sparse, the implementation does not account for this. The distribution vector is always initialized to be of type Vector{Float64}